Our contribution to personal dosimetry
Personal dosimeters are required for the measurement of external exposure during activities in radiation protection areas. The entire personal dosimetry for the Rossendorf research site is organised centrally by the VKTA. We are also happy to advise third parties on all questions relating to personal dosimetry. The official whole-body and partial-body dosimeters are procured by the VKTA and, after their use, are evaluated accordingly. The choice of the appropriate dosimeter is usually determined by the responsible radiation protection officer. The employees of the personal dosimetry department are available to provide advice in this regard.
Detailed task areas are:
- Procurement of official dosimeters for external exposure
- Provision and evaluation of unofficial dosimeters for whole-body and partial-body monitoring
- Keeping of radiation passports as well as a person and dose register for employees working at the research site
- Organisation of the medical supervision of occupationally exposed persons according to §79 StrlSchG
- Workplace inspections for pregnant and breastfeeding women
- Organisation and checking of the access of external company employees to radiation protection areas at the Rossendorf research site and management of the radiation passports of the external company employees