Foundation of the VKTA by Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolf Häfele
Start of cooperation with Wismut GmbH in the context of major orders
New start of radiopharmaceutical production
1991-1993 Participation in the measurement programme “Chernobyl Measurement Action” of the Federal Republic of Germany
Receipt of the 1st nuclear licensing for the plant for radiation sources
Start of work on the “ALASKA” contaminated site register of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection
Start of the practical partnership in the dual study at the university of cooperative education Riesa / Karlsruhe to Graduate Engineer (BA) for environmental and radiation protection
Cabinet decision of the Free State of Saxony to shut down the Rossendorf research reactor
Department of Physics conducts experiments on the effects of jet fuel fires within the framework of a comprehensive analysis of possible effects of design transgression events at the Research site Rossendorf (1992 to 1996) constitution of the advisory board on 11 May 1993
Receipt of the 1st nuclear licensing for the state collection point and for the production of radiopharmaceuticals
Existing measuring chamber in Felsenkeller is extended to a low-level measuring laboratory
Commissioning of the state collection point of the Free State of Saxony, which is also responsible for the Free State of Thuringia.
Measuring systems for radiation protection environmental monitoring are newly installed (environmental monitoring network REMSY)
Electrochemistry is established as a field of activity in the VKTA
Start of contract negotiations with the Ahaus fuel element interim storage facility for CASTOR® MTR 2 storage locations
Framework agreement between VKTA and research centre Rossendorf (today Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Contracts for CASTOR® MTR 2 container and their storage locations in the Ahaus fuel element interim storage facility concluded
Completion of the extension of the low-level measuring laboratory “Felsenkeller”
Decision made to combine the Radiopharmaceuticals and Nuclear Analysis Divisions
Assignment of the incorporation measuring point as official measuring point of the Free State of Saxony
Start of planning work for the facility for the disposal of nuclear material Rossendorf
The Saxon State Office for the Environment and Geology issues the permit for a leakage tightness test centre
First “Open Day” at the VKTA
Accreditation of the Laboratory for Environmental and Radionuclide Analysis
Change of directors (Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolf Häfele/Dr. Wolfgang Hieronymus)
First edition of the VKTA information magazine as “VKTA-Nachbarschaftsblatt” (VKTA Neighbourhood Gazette)
Delivery of the empty CASTOR® MTR 2 containers to Rossendorf
Construction of the weather protection hall above the “Interim storage facility for solid radioactive waste”
1st emergency exercise with KHG Kerntechnische Hilfsdienst GmbH
Preparation of the deconstruction of the Rossendorf isotope production
Application for decommissioning of the Rossendorf research reactor at the Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Regional Development
International Colloquium at the VKTA on the 40th anniversary of the Commissioning of the Rossendorf Research Reactor
40th anniversary of the plant fire brigade at Rossendorf research site
Clearance measurement system put into operation
RAKE II completely dismantled
Testing of the fuel element reloading into the CASTOR® MTR 2 containers
Start of new construction of the state collection point of the Free State of Saxony
Start of construction of the Rossendorf interim storage facility
First dismantling of AMOR facilities
First meeting of the Rossendorf Research Reactor Community of Interests
Udo Helwig becomes Director of the VKTA
1st Workshop Radiochemical Analytics
First CASTOR® MTR 2 containers are transferred with fuel elements to the transport hall
Commissioning of the interim storage facility I
Demolition of the “inner zone” wall completed
Decontamination of the former storage facility for radioactive waste water
Literature “Contributions to the History of Nuclear Energy in the GDR” (Prof. Dr. Peter Liewers) completed
AMOR facilities are uranium-free
Commissioning of the interim storage facility II
Commissioning of the laboratory wastewater treatment facility, operated by VKTA
Saxon Environment Minister Steffen Flath visits VKTA
Rossendorfer Ring Zone Reactor will be released from the area of applicability of the Atomic Energy Act after completion of the deconstruction. Handover of the building to the Rossendorf Research Centre
Release of the uranium technical centre from the Atomic Energy Act and its demolition
Conditioning of Liquid Radioactive Waste with the Mobile Cementing Plant MOSS-200
Waste from the former solid radioactive waste storage facility removed and repackaged
Commissioning of the facility for the treatment of low-level radioactive waste Rossendorf
All fuel elements removed from the Rossendorf research reactor
First mass spectrometer for the VKTA put into operation
Report “General Data for the Research Site Rossendorf” according to EURATOM, Art. 37
Working group “Nuclear Safety Officers” of the German Nuclear Fuel Industry Association meets for the first time at VKTA
Development of the gamma scanner RoSCAN for the measurement of radioactive contaminated rooms
Foundation of the Collaboration of the European Underground Laboratories CELLAR in the Felsenkeller
Start of dismantling of the Rossendorf research reactor
Copper cassette of the laying of the foundation stone of the Uranium technical centre recovered
New state collection point of the Free State of Saxony put into operation
Demolition of the old wastewater treatment facility
Deconstruction of AMOR plants in process
2nd Workshop Radiochemical Analytics in the VKTA
Establishment of the VKTA Senior Isotope table
On November 15, 2001, Axel Richter, Commercial Director, was appointed to the VKTA Executive Board
10 years VKTA
Removal of intermediate-level radioactive waste from the storage pit of the former state collection point
Extension of the Rossendorf facility for the treatment of low-level radioactive waste to include the former state collection point of the Free State of Saxony
Conditioning of the first reactor vessel at Energiewerke Nord
Dismantling of the former wastewater facility completed
Clearance measurement system for use in Braunschweig
Dismantling of the 1st cooling circuit of the Rossendorf research reactor completed
Emergency response exercise conducted with KHG Kerntechnische Hilfsdienst GmbH at the Rossendorf interim storage facility
Soil remediation concept submitted to the Saxon State Ministry for the Environment and Agriculture; decision in 2003
Reconstruction of the analytical laboratories – completion of the first construction phase
Removal and conditioning of the Rossendorf research reactor core parts and the reactor vessel
Desludging of the Harthteich pool
40 Years Rossendorfer Ring Zone Reactor – Brochure “Zero Power Reactors in Saxony – A Review” completed
Application documents for the dismantling of the Rossendorf research reactor were handed over in 72 folder to the licensing authority
The state collection point of the Free State of Saxony is now also responsible for the State of Saxony-Anhalt
Research Project C-14-Biokinetics and Dosimetry
Uranyl nitrate solution treated and transported away to Sellafield
CASTOR® MTR 2 transport to Ahaus approved
Start of dismantling of the interim storage facility for liquid radioactive waste
Dismantling of “warm cells” of isotope production completed
Cabinet decision on the dismantling and future of the VKTA
Dismantling of the “hot chambers” of the research reactor Rossendorf
Remote dismantling of the “hot cells” in isotope production
3rd Workshop Radiochemical Analytics in the VKTA
CASTOR® MTR 2 transports to the Ahaus fuel element interim storage facility
Site of the former neutralisation facility released from nuclear supervision
1st Transport of unirradiated nuclear material to Kazakhstan
Demolition of the first former transport hall
Completion of dismantling of the former solid radioactive waste storage facility
Modified extension of the facility for the treatment of low-level radioactive waste Rossendorf put into operation
First international analytical orders in the laboratory for environmental and radionuclide analysis
Dismantling of “hot cells” in isotope production completed
Deputy Director and Commercial Director of VKTA, Axel Richter retires
Nuclear material transport to Russia
4th Workshop Radiochemical Analytics in the VKTA
Completion of reconstruction of the laboratory areas for environmental and radionuclide analysis in building 8 a
1st Updating course of expertise in radiation protection
Analytics of Po-210 in connection with the Litwinenko case
Honorary Colloquium on the occasion of the 80th birthday of the founding director Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolf Häfele
Presentation of the VKTA at the KONTEC for the first time in Dresden
Water treatment facility RODOSAN put into operation
Construction and inauguration of the new administration building of the VKTA
50 Years Rossendorf Research Reactor
Reconstruction of the former storage facility for radioactive waste water almost completed
15 years VKTA
Decontamination and deconstruction of the former waste water vessel begins
Excursion of the Department of Radiation Protection to the WISMUT GmbH in Königstein
Setup of the Ultra-Low-Level Gamma Spectrometer in the Low-Level Measurement Laboratory Felsenkeller
Demolition of the building complex of the former isotope production
50 annivmary of plant fire brigade at Rossendorf
AMOR storage facility dismantled
Demolition of the “hot cells” in the AMOR plant
Start of the demolition of the Biological Shield of the Rossendorf Research Reactor
Demolition of the exhaust air chimney of the isotope production
VKTA is certified according to ISO 9001:2000
Saxon Minister of State for the Environment and Agriculture Frank Kupfer visits VKTA
New fire-fighting vehicle for the plant fire brigade
Demolition of the former reactor waste water vessel
The VKTA Information Centre is opened
Presentation of the VKTA at the KONTEC
Publication of the book “Contributions to the History of the Rossendorf Research Reactor”
Demolition of the concrete structures under the former reactor
Demolition of the safety installations in the facility for the disposal of nuclear material Rossendorf
2nd Nuclear material transport to Kazakhstan
VKTA receives the 3rd place of the “Dresden Congress Award” of Dresden Marketing GmbH for KONTEC
First participation in the Long Night of Sciences Dresden
10th CELLAR Meeting in Dresden
6th Workshop Radiochemical Analytics in the VKTA
2nd Updating course of expertise in radiation protection
Former storage facility for radioactive waste water to be released from the Atomic Energy Act
Saxon Minister of State Prof. Baroness Sabine von Schorlemer visits VKTA
Presentation of the VKTA at the KONTEC
Transfer of the remediated isotope production area to the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Excavation pit of the former reactor waste water vessel filled in
Demolition of the former isotope production building
After Fukushima, measurements were made of Japan returnees and airplanes
Major order for analytics for the decommissioned nuclear power plant Barsebäck, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Peter Sahre becomes Director of the VKTA
20 years VKTA
Demolition of the former isotope production building completed
Colloquium on 30 years of the low-level measuring laboratory Felsenkeller
Radiation protection training with pupils in the specialist camp Auerbach
Commissioning of the new irradiation facility
Framework agreements “Analytics 2012 – 2017” concluded with EDF, France, and elimination analytics 2012 – 2015 concluded with SOGIN, Italy
Demolition of the exhaust air chimney at the Rossendorf research reactor
Amendment of the articles of association
Visit of State Secretary for the Environment and Agriculture Dr Fritz Jäckel to VKTA
Former founding director Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolf Häfele dies at the age of 86 on 5 June 2013
80th birthday of the former director Dr. Wolfgang Hieronymus
Presentation of the VKTA at the KONTEC
Radiation protection meeting with former employees
7th Workshop Radiochemical Analytics in the VKTA
Completion of the dismantling of the Rossendorf isotope production
Topping-out ceremony for the new radiation protection centre
Commissioning of the ultra-low-level gamma spectrometer of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in the VKTA Felsenkeller laboratory
Amendment of the articles of association: Change of name to VKTA – Radiation Protection, Analytics & Disposal Rossendorf Inc.
Demolition of the reactor building
Visit of the Saxon Minister of State for the Environment and Agriculture Thomas Schmidt to the VKTA
Presentation of the VKTA at the KONTEC
Commissioning of the new radiation protection centre and the new shielding chamber for whole-body measurements
Participation of the VKTA in the aero gamma spectrometry (helicopter measurement) of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS)
Visit of the Environmental Committee of the Saxon Parliament to VKTA
3rd Updating course of expertise in radiation protection and according to X-ray regulation
Rossendorf research reactor facilities completely dismantled
Dismantling of open-air grounds completed
Commissioning of the new clearance measurement system
Dr. Dietmar Schlösser becomes new Director of VKTA
Presentation of the VKTA at the KONTEC
25 years VKTA
Application for release of the open-air site from the Atomic Energy Act
Visit by Dr. Eva-Maria Stange, Saxon Minister of State for Science and the Arts, with members of the Saxon State Parliament at VKTA
Release of the open-air site from nuclear supervision
8th Workshop Radiochemical Analytics in the VKTA
Accreditation of the incorporation measuring office
Presentation of the VKTA at the Open Laboratory Day
Change of department management in radiation protection and in dismantling and disposal
Relaunch of the new website
Presentation of the VKTA at the KONTEC
Presentation of the VKTA at the Dresden Science Night
Visit by Thomas Schmidt, Saxon Minister of State for Environment and Agriculture, with his staff at the VKTA
09/19/2019 – Ceremony for the discharge from the supervision of nuclear law and thus the end of the nuclear remediation
Installation of the RFR monument in the entrance area of the research site
Participation of the VKTA in the analysis of the Flensburg meteorite
Official visit of the Saxon State Minister for Science and the Arts, Mr. Sebastian Gemkow
Contract for the assumption of responsibility for the Rossendorf fuel elements by the federal government
The VKTA information newspaper is published in a new layout and under a new name
Participation of the VKTA at the KONTEC
Start of four new research projects in the deconstruction and disposal department
Participation in a new project for energy generation through geothermal energy
Certification of the VKTA by “berufundfamilie”
Welcoming a new member of the VKTA board of trustees
Start of the dismantling of the last section of the special sewage system
Participation in the Dresden Science Night 2022
30 years of VKTA
40 years of low-level measuring laboratory Felsenkeller
Participation in the SPIN2030 on February 3rd, 2023 in Leipzig
Participation in the Career Day on June 1st, 2023 in Dresden
10th workshop on radiochemical analysis at the VKTA
Participation in the Dresden Science Night 2023
Participation in the Long Night of Sciences in Dresden